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MIMO/Blocking Switch Matrix

The standard MIMO matrix is a multiple-input, multiple-outputseabet live casino games matrix of size NxM; N being the number of inputs and M, the number of outputs. This may also be known as a Blocking Matrix. seabet online casino gamesWhile being multiple-input, multiple-output, it ​will allow a single connnection from any input to any output at a time. This means that the user can have Input 1 connected to Output 2, Input 2 connected to Output 1, and Input 3 connected to Output seabet online casino games3, all at the same time.  

Belowseabet live casino games is an example of a 3x3 MIMO Matrix, this configuration shown would use 6 SP3T coaxial switches to create 9 distinct switch paths.​

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Example System Datasheet

4x96 MIMO/Blocking​

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